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于孝建 (1.华南理工大学 金融工程研究中心广东 广州510006
2.华南理工大学 经济与贸易学院广东 广州510006) 
中文关键词:模糊数  美式看跌期权  二叉树定价模型
Pricing American Put Option under Fuzzy Environments
Abstract:This paper adopted the fuzzy set theory to extend the pricing model of the American put option into the fuzzy option pricing model case by fuzzifying both riskless interest rate and volatility with the input parameters replaced by the trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. For this purpose, this paper first presented the expression of the fuzzy risk neutral probabilities. Then the risk neutral valuation of the American put option was performed in a multi period binomial model,and the price of the option at each step was also expressed by a trapezoidal fuzzy number. Furthermore, a numerical example was illustrated how to price the American put option based on fuzzy techniques. Finally, the arbitrage decision behaviors of investors with different risk appetite were analyzed under uncertain environments. The results indicate that the investor with a high degree of risk appetite has a high confidence level, a wide interval for risk less arbitrage but a small subjective fuzzy option price.
keywords:fuzzy number  American put option  binomial pricing model
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