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何慧爽 (中南财经政法大学 工商管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430064) 
中文关键词:产品差异化  古诺竞争  伯川德竞争  合谋稳定性
Product Differentiation, Competition Type and the Stability of Collusion
Abstract:This paper analyzesd the issue of product differentiation with the cost of collusion.The analysis shows that the past knowledge that the collusion is easier to maintain in Cournot competition than in Bertrand competition should be modified as follows: when the collusion cost is above some critical value,the collusion is easier to maintain in Bertrand competition than in Cournot competition,which provides a more comprehensive perspective for the economic analysis of collusion participants and decision makers.
keywords:Product differentiation  Cournot competition  Bertrand competition  Stability of Collusion
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