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徐峰 1.中国矿业大学 理学院江苏 徐州221008 2.苏州市职业大学 经贸系江苏 苏州215104 3.河北理工大学 理学院河北 唐山063009) 
中文关键词:混合分数布朗运动  幂期权  平价关系
Model of Power Option Pricing Driven by Mixed Fractional Brownian Motion
Abstract:Assuming that the underlying asset obeys the stochastic differential equation driven by mixed fractional Brownian motion,we established the mathematical model for the financial market in mixed fractional Brownian motion setting.Using quasi martingale method,we obtained the explicit expression for the European Power option price and the call put parity. Finally,we point out that fractional Brownian motion is an especial case of mixed fractional Brownian motion.
keywords:mixed fractional Brownian motion  power option  put call parity
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